Quick start


Probly can be installed using pip from GitHub as follows:

pip install git+https://github.com/bencwallace/probly#egg=probly


Probly makes use of NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib.

Getting started

We begin by importing probly.

>>> import probly as pr

Next, we initialize some pre-packaged random variables.

>>> # A Bernoulli random variable with parameter 0.5
>>> X = pr.Ber()
>>> # A Bernoulli random variable independent of X with parameter 0.9
>>> Y = pr.Ber(0.9)
>>> # A uniform random variable on the interval [-10, 10]
>>> Z = pr.Unif(-10, 10)

Calling a random variable produces a random sample from its distribution. In order to obtain reproducible results, we pass a seed as an argument to the random variable. Calling the same random variable with the same seed will produce the same result.

>>> seed = 99   # An arbitrary but fixed seed
>>> Z(seed)
>>> Z(seed)


An entire Probly session can be seeded by using pr.seed. This will determine the sequence of outputs produced by sampling a sequence of random variables initialized in a given order with a given sequence of seeds; it is distinct from seeding the random variables themselves.

Random variables can be combined via arithmetical operations.

>>> W = (1 + X) * Z / (5 + Y)
>>> # W is a new random object
>>> type(W)
<class 'probly.core.RandomVariable'>

The result of such operations is itself a random variable whose distribution may not be know explicitly. We can nevertheless sample from this unknown distribution!

>>> W(seed)

We can also compute properties of a random variable, such as its mean.

>>> W.mean()


Note that W is dependent on X, Y, and Z. This essentially means that the following must output True.

>>> x = X(seed)
>>> y = Y(seed)
>>> z = Z(seed)
>>> w = W(seed)
>>> w == (1 + x) * z / (5 + y)

Independent copies

Separate instantiations of a random variable will produce independent copies: for instance, samples from two instantiations of a normal random variable will be independent of one another, even with the same seed.

>>> pr.Normal()(seed)
>>> pr.Normal()(seed)

Independent copies of a random variable can also be produced as follows.

>>> Wcopy = W.copy()
>>> Wcopy(seed)

Random matrices

Random NumPy arrays (in particular, random matrices) can be formed from other random variables.

>>> M = pr.array([[X, Z], [W, Y]])
>>> type(M)
<class 'probly.core.RandomVariable'>

Random arrays can be manipulated like ordinary NumPy arrays.

>>> M[0, 0](seed) == X(seed)
>>> import numpy as np
>>> S = np.sum(M)
>>> S(seed) == X(seed) + Z(seed) + W(seed) + Y(seed)

Function application

Any functions can be lifted to a map between random variables using the @pr.lift decorator.

>>> from numpy.linalg import det
>>> det = pr.lift(det)

An equivalent way of doing this is as follows:

def det(m):
        return np.linalg.det(m)

The function det can now be applied to M.

>>> D = det(M)
>>> D(seed)


Random variables can be conditioned as in the following example:

>>> C = W.given(Y == 1, Z > 0)
>>> C(seed)

Any boolean-valued random variable can be used as a condition.

Random parameters

Random variables can themselves be used to parameterize other random variables, as in the following example:

>>> U = pr.Unif()
>>> B = pr.Ber(U)
>>> B(seed)

Custom models

Custom models can be constructed by applying the pr.model decorator, evaluated on a list of parameter names, to a function of these parameters whose return value is a sampler (a function from a random seed to a random sample).

>>> @pr.model('a', 'b')
>>> def SquareOfUniform(a, b):
>>>     def sampler(seed):
>>>         np.random.seed()
>>>         return np.random.uniform(a, b) ** 2
>>>     return sampler

This makes SquareOfUniform into a class whose instances are random variable objects that can be manipulated as above. To construct classes of random variables with additional functionality (e.g. built-in mean, variance, etc.), one can directly subclass Distribution as in the example at Custom distributions.